Britannia Square House Histories

With the bicentenary of Britannia Square on the horizon, the House Histories project was launched in 2014 as part of the celebrations. Residents were invited to research their houses and occupants and to compile a brief history. Many residents have participated and have produced some fascinating stories. We hope to add more in the future, and would encourage everyone to take part and help to build what is developing into a wonderful community project. 

Background history to the development of Britannia Square

In Roman times the area where Britannia Square, Worcester now stands was used for growing flax. A settlement here included baths and religious buildings. The remains of these still lie under Springfield, the Royal Grammar School, as well as stretching westward into the area now known as Back Lane South (behind nos. 3 to 20 Britannia Square).

For centuries, however, there were no buildings in this area except for Pound Farm which, in the early c19th was owned by Mr William Handy.

At this time, Worcester city centre was dirty and crowded, posing a health threat to those who lived here. The richer and more prosperous inhabitants looked to move to the fringes of the city, namely Barbourne, which lies to the north.In 1818, Mr Handy became the first to realise the potential of ‘land sale’ and drew up a catalogue and plans for the development of his farmland. He sold this in plots to different speculative builders. One of the early developments was Albion House (nos. 8 & 9 Britannia Square), which was erected between 1820 and 1822. Other plots were vacant for some time, although the whole Square was completed by 1840.

One of the builders/developers was Louis Harvey D’Egville who acquired a plot from William Handy in 1818. He was certainly responsible for building a large mansion on the east side of the Square (St. Oswald’s) but also built houses on the South side.

Members of the D’Egville family later occupied Albion House.

House Histories

14 Albany Terrace
37 & 35 Albany Terrace
Albion House
33 Britannia Square
50 Britannia Square
27 Britannia Square
45 Britannia Square
48 Britannia Square
36a & 37 Britannia Square
Eastbourne Lodge

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More details about Fisher German services particularly relevant to residents of the Britannia Square area may be found here.

Website designed by Robin Dallaway